
Accessibility Statement

We have tried to do everything possible to make this website accessible to as wide an audience as possible. We have complied with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) established by the W3C.

If you feel that any area of our website isn’t accessible, please contact us.

Access Keys

Most Internet browsers allow you to jump to specific links by pressing certain keys on your keyboard. On Windows, press ATL + an access key then enter and on Macintosh, press Control + an access key.

* Access key S - Skip to content
* Access key 1 - Home
* Access key 2 - How we work
* Access key 3 - Our Products
* Access key 4 - Caring for your floor
* Access key 5 - Contact Us
* Access key 6 - Testimonials
* Access key M - Site Map
* Access key L - Legal
* Access key C - Copyright
* Access Key 0 - Accessibility statement

Standards Compliance

1. All pages on this website conform to level Double-A of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, including all Priority 1 and Priority 2 checkpoints defined in the Guidelines. Some of these guidelines are intentionally vague and cannot be tested for by automated tools. We believe that this website complies with these guidelines.
2. All pages on this website are valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional and can be validated using the W3C Markup Validation Service.
3. All Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) on this website validate using the W3C CSS Validator.
4. All pages on this website use structured semantic markup.

Navigation Aids

1. All pages on this website have a link at the top of each page to skip directly to the content. Windows users press ALT + S and Macintosh users press Control + S.
2. All pages on this website link to a site map where you can quickly access all pages on the site.

Visual Design

1. All pages on this website use CSS for layout and design.
2. All pages on this website use relative font sizes, corresponding with your font size settings on your Internet Browser.